I ordered a sandbag for my cat. Buster was constantly getting into and digging around my kitchen garbage can. I got a can with a locking lid so he couldn't stick his lil head in, and then a second, smaller can to fit inside the locking one so that he couldn't tear up the garbage bag that overlapped the lip. But then he just kept knocking over the garbage can, causing the locked lid to pop open when it hit the ground. I'd walk in to garbage across my kitchen and my cat trying to eat something he shouldn't. I needed to weigh the garbage can down at the bottom and make it impossible for him to knock it over with his >11lbs body. The 10lbs steel shot sandbag I got was exactly what I needed! It's been sitting at the bottom of my garbage can for a while now, and Buster has pretty much given up on trying to get into it. It's small enough to fit in there without getting in the way of the small, internal garbage can, but heavy enough to make knocking it over impossible. I love it! This sandbag was the answer to my prayers.